The strange case of Tara Reade’s allegations against Joe Biden keeps getting curioser and curioser. AP reports that Tara Reade is being represented by attorney Douglas Wigdor, who just happens to have donated $2,700 to Donald Trump’s campaign and $24,300 to the Republican National Committee during the 2016 general election campaign. (The AP story seems to indicated that it was a total of about $55,000, but I was unable to verify that.)
Mr. Wigdor has represented a number of victims of sex discrimination and harassment, including several of Harvey Weinstein’s victims, but the fact remains that the ONLY contributions he has made to a Presidential campaign or to a national political committee, according to, were to Donald Trump and to the RNC at a time when it was actively supporting Trump’s general election campaign. Mr. Wigdor told AP that he “was not currently being paid” for his work on behalf of Ms. Reade, and that he was representing her “because every survivor has the right to competent counsel.”
Trump was certainly a strange candidate to back for a guy who claims to be motivated solely by his concerns about the victimization of women. While these contributions were made shortly before the Access Hollywood tape was released, Trump’s proclivity for sexually harassing and even assaulting women were well known before he made the contributions, including in a prominent New York Times story in May 2016. What’s more, there is no indication that Mr. Wigdor changed who he was supporting in the 2016 campaign, even after the Access Hollywood tape was released and it became apparent that Donald Trump had actually BRAGGED about doing what his new client has accused Joe Biden of doing.